Harbourfront Centre’s Cultural Village Feasibility Study
The main objective is to reflect the mission of Harboufront Centre as a hub of culture and the arts through high quality and creative architectural features. […]Presov Public Library
The City of Presov, Slovakia had an open design competition for a new regional public library. After carefully analyzing the project site and corresponding program […]Planless
Proposal for the Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition Competition brief: It is generally thought that the plan is a means for describing lifestyle. The fundamental principle […]Bethune Street – Land Use and Urban Design Study
The City of Peterborough undertook an ambitious project to re-imagine Bethune Street. The project included a major investment in flood diversion and sanitary servicing infrastructure, a […]Little Monsters
We took our Latin-American backgrounds to task by integrating the traditions of weaving and basketry into the design of our Leonia Luminaire and Thesis Bench. […]Kensington Brewing Company
The design takes into account the vision and the character of the business’ operation and branding strategies, as well as an environmental responsibility for the design […]Grounds for Art Competition
City of Toronto Culture in conjunction with Grounds for Art was looking for three designs to distinguish the sanitary, storm sewer and the water valve covers […]12A Residence
The 12A residential project presents a unique opportunity to design a house in a lot that’s ‘landlocked’ without a formal frontage to a street or alleyway […]Ryerson Feasibility Studies
The program required that the delineation between public and secure areas should be blurred at the ground floor level so that all the buildings would have […]594 Residence
594 Residence A collaboration with Setless Architecture to design the front and rear yard landscaping of a residence. The project includes replacing the front porch […]Little Lake Urban Design Study
Year: 2014-2015 Location: Peterborough, Ontario, Canada Cost: N/A Area: 11 Hectares (27.18 Acres) The purpose of the study was to make recommendations that would guide […]577 Residence
There were two main challenges on this two-level small residential garden: One, to make the garden visible from the inside of the house as it was […]The Planet Traveler
A 4-storey, 1,120.98m2 addition to a historic 4-storey 854.53m2 hostel near Kensington Market in Toronto. The design call for a contextual built-form approach to the existing […]Kiosk
Kiosk, Location: City of Coro and La Vela, Venezuela / 1996 /client: Mariano Talavera Corporation The Kiosk’s concept focused on a flexible structure that would adapt […]Kabineto
Kabineto is part of a series of product designs we proposed for Muji, Japan. Medicines are always a potential risk for curious kids. Kabineto is […]Magoneto
Magoneto is part of a series of product designs we proposed for Muji, Japan. Magoneto is a multi-use object that consists of a metal magnetic […]Elemental
the competition: Elemental was a competition organized by the Chilean Ministry of Housing, the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Harvard Design School and Harvard University Rockefeller […]280 Residence
SUMO Project was commissioned to design an extensive 470 m2 (5,060 sq. ft.) residential renovation and addition for a young family in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. […]Thesis Bench
The ‘thesis bench’ is the result of recycling and reinventing second hand materials. It is composed of a series of 4x1s and scrap pieces of wood […]Leonia Luminaire
The name “Leonia” was inspired by one of the Invisible Cities from Italo Calvino’s celebrated eponymous novel. Leonia’s inspiration comes from the desire to give disposable […]