We are happy to announce the launch of Borders and Bonds, Art as a Mediator” the first book by Ruth A. Mora I.
“Borders and Bonds reveals the power of public art to address the hyper-dialectic moments of fluidity, interconnections, cultural hybridization, instant exchange of information, migrations, rapid change, the impacts of a planetary environmental crisis, and diversity in which we’re living in. The power of art’s ability to transgress borders, denounce absurdities, favour connections, and appreciate differences while celebrating social inclusion and identities. The book delves into diverse topics connected by the notion of art as a facilitator and tool of conflict resolution, capturing the essence of situations and sites. The proposals result in simple, easy to implement, effective placemaking and aesthetic moves, engaging a broad and divergent audience. The approach derives from Ruth’s equally diverse background, academic training, and professional work, as an architect/urban designer, artist, and immigrant, with a strong sense of global and social awareness.” Excerpts from the Foreword by David Gouverneur
The book explores the contributions of art in the public realm and communal engagement, as a tool to build trust, capacity, and enhance social cohesion and bonding to effectively respond to current urban challenges.
Available to buy (soft cover and pdf) or preview here